Refugee Week 15–21st June

The theme for Refugee Week this year is “Imagine”.

Please bring something to share at the drop-in on Friday to celebrate Refugee Week. 

It can be something you have made, like a drawing or piece of sewing, or a poem you want to read or a joke you want to tell.  Or anything you would like to share.

Click on the link for eight ideas for Simple Acts that can be done at home, inspired by the theme ‘Imagine’.

‘To imagine’ means to picture something you can’t currently see. To step beyond the current moment and perceive something different. Rather than being a flight away from reality, imagination is sometimes the best response to it – the only way to get us somewhere new.” (from Refugee Week)

Refugee Week – CLICK HERE for information and ideas

English classes during the corona virus crisis.

Dear Students,

Because of the coronavirus, English classes will continue online and through this website.

Lesley, Philip and Fleur are setting up an online system so that we can continue to have the classes through video link. 

We will post news of the classes as soon as we can.  We will also be putting new worksheets on this website so please check it regularly.

Our contact e-mail is:     

 Please keep in touch with us. Send us a message to let us know how you are and we will reply as soon as we can.

We hope you are all staying safe and keeping well and we look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes, Fleur, Lesley and Philip.

Classes Have Started Again

English Lessons At The North Of England Refugee Service

Lessons are open to anyone who wants to learn English. Lessons are free so you can begin now. Just come along on Mondays at 10.30 am and on Thursdays at 2 pm. Classes last 2 hours with a tea/coffee break in the middle.

There are classes for beginners and more advanced students . Speak to Lesley, Philip or Fleur if you would like to know more.

When you come to the NERS office take the lift to the top floor 2 Friars Street post code NE1 4XA Learn English from qualified teachers in a friendly class.