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Working together

We are a small charity, whose main purpose is to teach English to asylum seekers and refugees who have a need or wish to learn . Many of those we teach and support are vulnerable . They have often escaped war or persecution. What they all have in common is a desire to learn English, for work, or simply to be able to connect with their host community. Beyond this, many wish to advance in their work, to be able to deal with government and local services and to understand more about the host culture that surrounds them.

A lot of our work is done by volunteers but we do have to pay for teaching staff and materials. We have provided some students with laptops and phones, as well as access to the internet. During the pandemic we developed online classes that helped us reach even more people unable to attend face to face teaching.

None of this would be possible without the assistance of our funders, but we still have need of your support. If you are able to make a donation, however small, it will all go towards our students. Most administration is undertaken by our trustees. For example £100 will pay for a 10″ tablet so that a student can connect with our online sessions and other students. £40 will pay the rental on a digital whiteboard for six months.

Ways To Donate

Through your bank

You can make a single donation using a bank transfer. It’s also easy and safe to donate by setting up a regular standing order from your bank. Please do not forget to complete a Gift Aid form if you are a UK taxpayer. Please let us know about your donation, so we can check it has reached us.

Our Bank Details Are:

  • Account: English For All
  • Nat West
  • Sort Code: 53-50-46
  • Account Number: 56458614

Or Use The Forms Below